
Brenton Reagan, Professional Mountain Guide.
Brenton is an IFMGA/AMGA Certified Guide. Level 3 American Avalanche Institute certification. Professional Ski Instructors or America/PSIA Level 2 certification. He has been guiding for Exum Mountain Guides for 18 years. He is a Lead Guide and Director of Marketing. During the winter he guides backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering throughout the Tetons and works as a backcountry ski guide for Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. In the spring months he makes the journey north to work with Alaska Rendezvous Heli Ski Guides near Valdez, Alaska.
Brenton has been mountaineering throughout U.S., including ascents and ski descents in Tetons and Wind Rivers including a 12 hour car to car ascent of the North Face of the Grand Teton. Ascents in the Canadian Rockies. Expedition to Mt. McKinley. Expedition to the West Ridge of Khan Tengri, Tien-Shan in Kazakhstan.

First ascent “El Pilar” and “Cerro Liso,” Mexico. Member 2003 Khumbu Exploratory Expedition. First ascent of Peak 5,880, Khumbu, Nepal. Board of Directors Tutuaca Mountain Center, Mexico.
Recipient of the Anatoli Boukreev Memorial Fund Grant. Expedition to Rio Murta Group, Northern Chilean Patagonia, 2006. Expedition to Fitz Roy in Patagonia, Guillamet, 2008. Expedtion the the “Ruth Gorge,” Alaska, 2009. Denali Ski Expedition 2011. Member of the “Mountain Athlete Freeski Team”. Member of K2 Skis Alpha Team.

Jessica Baker Professional Mountain Guide and Freeskier
Jessica grew up in the Selkirk mountains of north Idaho and B.C. she has since made a career in skiing, ski mountaineering, and climbing. North American and World Tour Freeskiing champion. Has climbed throughout Southwest desert sandstone, New England, Cascades, Devil’s Tower, Tetons, Wind Rivers, Thailand, Canadian Rockies, French Alps, New Zealand Alps, Cuba, and China.
First descents in the Chugach, Sawtooths, Selkirks, Tetons, and New Zealand Alps. Has been climbing since 1990. Founder/owner of Ski Divas- Women’s Big Mountain Ski Camps worldwide. Climbed and skied such peaks as The Grand Teton, Mt. Aoraki, Mt. Aspiring, Gannett, Mont Blanc, Pan d’ Radou La Meije/La Grave, and more. Heli-ski guide in Alaska every spring and was the first female heli-ski guide for Alaska Rendezvous Guides. Jessica led a Denali ski expedition and an Alaska Range climbing expedition in 2011. She is a trainer/examiner for the Intermountain West PSIA association since 2003 and has been a featured speaker for several women’s professional sports conferences.
p: 404-735-5156